Fixing Some Code Sins - Episode 3 of Throughput Thursdays

In episode 3, we built a flexible API client for our Terraform provider that implements a really simple interface. We also wrote some simple but effective tests and replaced the original cruft in the provider code with our new API client.

Robert Rossprofile image

By Robert Ross on 9/25/2020

In episode 3, we built a flexible API client for our Terraform provider that implements a really simple interface. We also wrote some simple but effective tests and replaced the original cruft in the provider code with our new API client.


Next week we’re building the CRUD for 2(!) more resources available in the FireHydrant API: Environments and Functionalities! We’ll be adding on to our custom API client as well as abstracting some of the existing concepts into new interfaces. Oh, and testing our Terraform provider API code (finally).

Don’t miss out on Throughput Thursdays - every Thursday @ 5PM Eastern at

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